Pro-Trump crowd in Illinois opposes Trump's bombing of the 'Coronavirus death scoreboard'

                     What the student organizer says "Can't you see Republicans attack others?

A powerful pro-Trump crowd gathered in a Chicago suburb north of Chicago on Friday after an anti-Trump show criticizing the president's handling of the coronavirus at a busy downtown intersection.

"We were only expecting 15 people to show up," organizer Peter C., a high school student in Northbrook, Illinois, told Fox News. "We have much more than 15."

The crowd objected to the so-called "Coronavirus Death Scoreboard," which was unveiled at a public park in Northbrook. The banner, organized by liberal activist Lee Goodman of Peaceful Societies, shows the total death toll in the United States from the pandemic and reads "We are number 1."

"We were only expecting 15 people. We have more than 15."

Also include the name of President Trump below. The program was repeatedly vandalized and provoked polarizing reactions among the population.

Coronavirus Death Registry Board Has Been Vandalized, City of ILLINOIS Decided Not to Remove Anti-Trump Bid

While informal gatherings protested the banner throughout the week before Peter C.'s protest on Friday.

At least 50 pro-Trump protesters proudly waved flags and banners supporting the president in a city considered completely liberal.

A much smaller group of anti-Trump protesters gathered across the street. Several passing cars were released in support of President Trump, some even waving their Trump banners from their cars.

Some people booed the pro-Trump crowd. A young woman yelled, "Fuck you!" She held up her middle finger as she blew up the 2016 song "FDT (F --- Donald Trump)" by rapper YG & Nipsey Hussle from her car stereo.

When the Coronavirus banner ignited a political storm, Peter insisted that his rally went far beyond the protest against the anti-Trump parade.

'Coronavirus Death Registration Board' Screen Generates Controversy in Illinois

"We are here to protest the reopening of our schools and our educational system and the funding of our police," Peter, a junior and director of his high school's conservative Instagram page, told Fox News. "You don't see Republicans attacking other people. All liberals are the ones who attack us, the ones who attack our police, saying" black lives matter "and" defend the police. "If you want to disarm the police, do you? Who do you think will come to your rescue when someone enters your apartment? "

Despite the numerous and violent clashes between protesters for and against Trump, the demonstration remained peaceful as the police maintained a strong presence.

The two groups braced themselves with cheers and taunts that provoked the other side. The pro-Trump protesters, a mostly young crowd with several of Peter's classmates in high school, yelled, "Back to nowhere!" This prompted the anti-Trump crowd to yell, "Black lives matter!" This prompted Trump supporters to yell, "All lives matter!"

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Most of Trump's supporters waved campaign equipment and American flags. The opposition had some Biden campaign posters, but many carried homemade posters with various anti-Trump slogans such as, "Love symbolizes hate", "Pro-American, against Trump", "You can't fix stupidity, but you can vote out. " Inspired by Mary Poppins, "Super Cruel Fragile Race Lying POTUS".

Two Northbrook residents, Richard and Florence, appeared at the rally to protest the anti-Trump rally, describing it as "defamatory" toward the president.

"More than 200,000 people have died ... Every loss of life is horrible, but it is not the president's fault." Florence told Fox News. "They will not admit it came from Wuhan, China. They are not telling the truth."

Virginia. Ralph Northam and his wife test positive for coronavirus:

"I think liberals have few people who have no answers," Richard pointed out across the street. "They have been sitting here since the last hour cursing us, fingering us, calling the president racist. When I went there to ask them how racist he was, they had no answers ... They just repeated what they heard on MSNBC and CNN and all the liberal networks ... They have a blind hatred towards the president and have no answers as to why "...


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